Buying Guide
Yay! You’re here. Looks like you’re ready to transform your house into a DREAM HOME.
Just follow a few steps and let your home feel the STYLE & SPACE!
Step 1: Select your item & add it to the Cart
Select the best product that matches your style, choose the quantity and color, confirm the pin code, and click ADD TO CART or BUY NOW.
Step 2: Proceed to Checkout
Verify the selected item details. Apply Code Coupon and test your luck to get extra discounts. Click on the PROCEED TO CHECKOUT.
Step 3: Billing & Shipping information
Fill out your basic information and shipping address. Check all the information properly before clicking PLACE ORDER.
Step 4: Payment Information
Verify your unique order number and payment amount. Select your payment method and click PLACE ORDER.
Step 5: Keep eye on tracking update
Soon as you confirm your order, we start processing the same. All you got to do now is wait for your order to reach you! Be ready- We do it SUPER SOON!